Monday, December 7, 2015

This Week @UnityRichmond 12/8 - 12/13

Come celebrate with us at our Youth and Family Christmas Celebration this Sunday at 12!

Tuesday 8th

Outreach Team Meeting
6:30 pm— 8:00 pm

Prayer Chaplain Meeting
7:00 pm— 9:00 pm

Ensemble Rehearsal
7:00 pm— 8:30 pm

Wednesday 9th

Mid-week Faith Lift Service
6 pm— 6:45 pm
Metaphysical interpretation and discussions on the ministry of Jesus.

The Mystical Trip to Bethlehem
7:00 pm— 9:00 pm
Meet up with yourself this Christmas season!

Thursday 10th

Women’s Codependency Group
6:30 pm— 7:30 pm
Codependence is a disease that deteriorates our souls. It affects our personal lives, our families, children, friends and relatives, our businesses and careers, our health and our spiritual growth. It is debilitating, and, if left untreated, causes us to become more destructive to ourselves and others.

Codependency happens to individuals when they try to obtain love or approval from others without caring for themselves. Healing consists of awareness, acceptance and change.

Friday 11th
Nothing Scheduled

Saturday 12th

Zen Center Meditation Group
9 am— 11 am
At Zen Center of Richmond, we practice in the White Plum lineage as founded by the Venerable Taizan Maezumi Roshi, and the Red Thread Zen Circle of our own teacher, Louis Mitsunen Kyogen Nordstrom Roshi.

The purpose of the Zen Center of Richmond is to make accessible and embody the wisdom and compassion of the Buddha, as expressed in the Soto Zen tradition established by Dogen Zenji in 13th-century Japan and conveyed to us by Louis Mitsunen Nordstrom Roshi and all Buddhist teachers. We offer a nurturing environment where everyone is welcome.

Sunday 13th

Contemplative Service
9:00 am — 10:15 am
Experience the beauty of the silence, oneness and inner peace on Sunday mornings. Take an hour to escape from the stresses of the week. Center yourself in the presence of love, joy and abundance. Allow the music to stir your soul. Meditate to heal your heart. Listen to the words of inspiration to awaken the Christ Consciousness within you to infinite possibilities. Come and be renewed by the Infinite Spirit of Life — God.

Celebration Service
11:00 am— 12:15 pm
Celebrate Spirit in an inclusive and loving environment. Be inspired by the music presented by our soloists, instrumentalists, and choir. Experience unconditional love, non-resistance, non-attachment and trust in Spirit in a 75-minute worship session, allowing God to flow through you and show you the Way into unlimited possibilities to LIVE LIFE FULLY! Come and feel the joy of Spirit moving and flowing through you.

Youth Education
11:00 am— 12:15 pm
Downstairs for Children and Youth, our Children’s Celebration Center offers Sunday School from Nursery – 5th grade; a Uniteen group for 6th-8th grades; and Youth of Unity (Y.O.U.) for 9th-12th grades.

Youth & Family Christmas Party
12:00 pm— 1:30 pm

Friday, November 27, 2015

This Week @ Unity of Richmond 11/29 - 12/5

This Sunday we are happy to host Reverend Jesse James as our special guest speaker, followed by her workshop focused on bringing a deeper sense of Being by knowing and remembering just how cherished you are by God.

Sunday 29th
Guest Speaker Rev. Jesse James
9 am — 11 am
Guest Speaker Rev. Jesse James speaks on “Leaning IN” at our services.

Celebration Service
11 am— 12:15 pm
Celebrate Spirit in an inclusive and loving environment. Be inspired by the music presented by our soloists, instrumentalists, and choir. Experience unconditional love, non-resistance, non-attachment and trust in Spirit in a 75-minute worship session, allowing God to flow through you and show you the Way into unlimited possibilities to LIVE LIFE FULLY! Come and feel the joy of Spirit moving and flowing through you.

Youth Education
11 am— 12:15pm
Downstairs for Children and Youth, our Children’s Celebration Center offers Sunday School from Nursery – 5th grade; a Uniteen group for 6th-8th grades; and Youth of Unity (Y.O.U.) for 9th-12th grades.

Workshop with Rev. Jesse James
1:00 pm— 3:30 pm
Suggested Love Offering $20

“Does your heart yearn for this kind of time just for you as part of the busy holiday season that is fast approaching? Does your heart yearn for time to tend and rekindle your sacred flame of Being at a deeper knowing? If your answer is YES to either of those questions, please join Rev. Jesse for this experiential workshop to find time apart to tend and rekindle your flame of knowing/remembering just how cherished you are in the heart of God.

Rev. Jesse says: Preparing for this workshop has changed me at depth. My prayer is that it will be transformative for you, as well.”

Please bring with you:
-An open heart willing to love and be loved in this now moment
-A picture of beautiful you

Rev. Jesse was Senior Minister at Unity of Greater Portland, Portland, Maine for 10 years. Following that, she traveled to Florida to be “Gammy” to her beloved granddaughter, Kylee. During that time, she also was assistant minister at Unity of Port Richey, Florida; sought-after guest speaker; and workshop presenter in Florida.

Monday 30th
Svaroopa Yoga
9 am— 10:30 am
Experience easy poses, deep relaxation, and breathing practices that relieve aches and pains. Open to an abiding, steadfast calm and joy that’s part of your essential nature. Deepen your prayer and meditation practice as you embody the Unity principles in your whole being — spirit, mind, and body.

Svaroopa Yoga
6:30 pm— 8:00 pm
Experience easy poses, deep relaxation, and breathing practices that relieve aches and pains. Open to an abiding, steadfast calm and joy that’s part of your essential nature. Deepen your prayer and meditation practice as you embody the Unity principles in your whole being — spirit, mind, and body.

Tuesday, December 1st
Yoga Instructor Training with Ms. Nitya
6:00 pm — 10:00 pm

Ensemble Rehearsal
7 pm— 8:30 pm

Wednesday 2nd
Mid-week Faith Lift Service
6 pm— 6:45 pm
Metaphysical interpretation and discussions on the ministry of Jesus. 

Remembrance Service
7 pm— 9:00 pm
Remembering, Loving, Sharing our Lossess and Healing our Hearts together!

Thursday 3rd
Women’s Codependency Group
6:30 pm— 7:30 pm
Codependence is a disease that deteriorates our souls. It affects our personal lives, our families, children, friends and relatives, our businesses and careers, our health and our spiritual growth. It is debilitating, and, if left untreated, causes us to become more destructive to ourselves and others.

Codependency happens to individuals when they try to obtain love or approval from others without caring for themselves. Healing consists of awareness, acceptance and change.

Friday 4th
Nothing Scheduled

Saturday 5th
Zen Center Meditation Group
9 am— 11 am
At Zen Center of Richmond we practice in the White Plum lineage as founded by the Venerable Taizan Maezumi Roshi, and the Red Thread Zen Circle of our own teacher, Louis Mitsunen Kyogen Nordstrom Roshi.

The purpose of the Zen Center of Richmond is to make accessible and embody the wisdom and compassion of the Buddha, as expressed in the Soto Zen tradition established by Dogen Zenji in 13th-century Japan and conveyed to us by Louis Mitsunen Nordstrom Roshi and all Buddhist teachers. We offer a nurturing environment where everyone is welcome.

Monday, November 16, 2015

This Week at Unity Richmond 11/16 - 11/21

Come celebrate the season with us this weekend at our Grand Illumination and Unity Holiday Festival!  This Friday from 6 pm - 9 pm and Saturday 10 am - 4 pm.

Please don't forget to donate to our canned food drive benefitting FeedMore Central Virginia Food Bank!  Bring any of these items and leave them in the drop box at church to provide food to the hungry.  We will continue collecting from now until Sunday, November 22nd.

Monday 16th

Svaroopa Yoga
9 am— 10:30 am
Experience easy poses, deep relaxation, and breathing practices that relieve aches and pains. Open to an abiding, steadfast calm and joy that’s part of your essential nature. Deepen your prayer and meditation practice as you embody the Unity principles in your whole being — spirit, mind, and body.

Svaroopa Yoga
6:30 pm— 8:00 pm
Experience easy poses, deep relaxation, and breathing practices that relieve aches and pains. Open to an abiding, steadfast calm and joy that’s part of your essential nature. Deepen your prayer and meditation practice as you embody the Unity principles in your whole being — spirit, mind, and body.

Tuesday 17th

Finance Team Meeting
5:30 pm— 7:30 pm

Ensemble Rehearsal
7 pm— 8:30 pm

Wednesday 18th

Mid-week Faith Lift Service
6 pm— 6:45 pm
Metaphysical interpretation and discussions on the ministry of Jesus.

Thursday 19th

Women’s Codependency Group
6:30 pm— 7:30 pm
Codependence is a disease that deteriorates our souls. It affects our personal lives, our families, children, friends and relatives, our businesses and careers, our health and our spiritual growth. It is debilitating, and, if left untreated, causes us to become more destructive to ourselves and others.

Codependency happens to individuals when they try to obtain love or approval from others without caring for themselves. Healing consists of awareness, acceptance and change.

Friday 20th

Unity Holiday Festival & Grand Illumination!!!
6 pm— 9 pm
Join us all weekend for holiday cheer!  Activities, food, and fun for the whole community!

Vendor displays Friday, November 20, 6-9 p.m. and Saturday, November 21, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

If you’d like to be a vendors or chili cooker for the Unity Holiday Festival, contact us to register.

Saturday 21st

Unity Holiday Festival!!!
10 am— 4 pm

Zen Center Meditation Group
9 am— 11 am
At Zen Center of Richmond we practice in the White Plum lineage as founded by the Venerable Taizan Maezumi Roshi, and the Red Thread Zen Circle of our own teacher, Louis Mitsunen Kyogen Nordstrom Roshi.

The purpose of the Zen Center of Richmond is to make accessible and embody the wisdom and compassion of the Buddha, as expressed in the Soto Zen tradition established by Dogen Zenji in 13th-century Japan and conveyed to us by Louis Mitsunen Nordstrom Roshi and all Buddhist teachers. We offer a nurturing environment where everyone is welcome.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

This Week at Unity Richmond 11/8 - 11/14

Don't forget to sign up to volunteer!  We need help to build the "House that Faith Built" on Saturday November 14th!  Please contact us if you'd like to volunteer for this great cause and community building.

Sunday 8th
Contemplative Service 
9 am — 10:15 am
Experience the beauty of the silence, oneness and inner peace on Sunday mornings. Take an hour to escape from the stresses of the week. Center yourself in the presence of love, joy and abundance. Allow the music to stir your soul. Meditate to heal your heart. Listen to the words of inspiration to awaken the Christ Consciousness within you to 
infinite possibilities. Come and be renewed by the Infinite Spirit of Life — God.

Celebration Service
11 am— 12:15 pm
Celebrate Spirit in an inclusive and loving environment. Be inspired by the music presented by our soloists, 
instrumentalists, and choir. Experience unconditional love, non-resistance, non-attachment and trust in Spirit in a 
75-minute worship session, allowing God to flow through you and show you the Way into unlimited possibilities  to LIVE LIFE FULLY! Come and feel the joy of Spirit moving and flowing through you.

Youth Education
11 am— 12:15pm
Downstairs for Children and Youth, our Children’s Celebration Center offers Sunday School from Nursery – 5th grade; a Uniteen group for 6th-8th grades; and Youth of Unity (Y.O.U.) for 9th-12th grades.

Monday 9th
Svaroopa Yoga
9 am— 10:30 am
Experience easy poses, deep relaxation, and breathing practices that relieve aches and pains. Open to an abiding, 
steadfast calm and joy that’s part of your essential nature. Deepen your prayer and meditation practice as you 
embody the Unity principles in your whole being — spirit, mind, and body.

Svaroopa Yoga
6:30 pm— 8:00 pm
Experience easy poses, deep relaxation, and breathing practices that relieve aches and pains. Open to an abiding, 
steadfast calm and joy that’s part of your essential nature. Deepen your prayer and meditation practice as you 
embody the Unity principles in your whole being — spirit, mind, and body.

Tuesday 10th
Outreach Team Meeting
6:30 pm— 8 pm

Prayer Chaplain Meeting
7 pm— 9 pm
Our Prayer Chaplains meet on the second Tuesday of the month for ongoing training.

Ensemble Rehearsal
7 pm— 8:30 pm

Wednesday 11th
Mid-week Faith Lift Service
6 pm— 6:45 pm
Metaphysical interpretation and discussions on the ministry of Jesus. 

Prosperity Plus II
7 pm— 9 pm
Prosperity Plus II is a catalyst to:

• Accelerate your energy and resources to attract more financial abundance
• Attract the miracles of wealth, circulation, and connection, effortlessly!
• Really dive into creating the life of your dreams, so you begin to live your vision

Prosperity kit with workbook and 10 audio CDs for the course are $60. Please place your order with our bookstore 
by August 30 to receive materials in time for first class. If you have materials from Mary Morrissey’s Original 
Prosperity Plus Program, you need only to purchase the workbook for $15.

Thursday 12th
Women’s Codependency Group
6:30 pm— 7:30 pm
Codependence is a disease that deteriorates our souls. It affects our personal lives, our families, children, friends and relatives, our businesses and careers, our health and our spiritual growth. It is debilitating, and, if left untreated, 
causes us to become more destructive to ourselves and others.

Codependency happens to individuals when they try to obtain love or approval from others without caring for 
themselves. Healing consists of awareness, acceptance and change.

Friday 13th
Nothing Scheduled

Saturday 14th
Habitat for Humanity
8 am— 3 pm
We need volunteers to help build out the “House that Faith Built.” Contact us for information.

Zen Center Meditation Group
9 am— 11 am
At Zen Center of Richmond we practice in the White Plum lineage as founded by the Venerable Taizan Maezumi 
Roshi, and the Red Thread Zen Circle of our own teacher, Louis Mitsunen Kyogen Nordstrom Roshi.

The purpose of the Zen Center of Richmond is to make accessible and embody the wisdom and compassion of the 
Buddha, as expressed in the Soto Zen tradition established by Dogen Zenji in 13th-century Japan and conveyed to  us by Louis Mitsunen Nordstrom Roshi and all Buddhist teachers. We offer a 
nurturing environment where everyone is welcome.